Department of Pediatrics
At Enam Medical College Hospital, Pediatrics is a well-organized and progressive department. The faculty of this department are unified by a firm commitment to excellence, professionalism, service, and dedication. It is our firm belief that our success as a department is vastly dependent upon remarkable achievements in clinical care, patient welfare, teamwork, and tender loving care for sick babies. Together we are an extended happy family. Moreover, we have geeneral pediatrics, specialties like Neonatology, Paediatric Neurology, Paediatric Nephrology, Paediatric Cardiology, Paediatric Hematology & Oncology, Paediatric & Neonatal Surgery, Paediatric Emergency, and Intensive Care Unit (NICU & PICU). Besides we offer specialized nursing care for each critical patient taken care by trained NICU and PICU doctors. We have 24/7 hours’ service and modern equipment supported by specialized and dedicated staff. Our faculty Comprises with experienced consultants of all specialties, junior consultants/specialists, Pediatric intensivists, dedicated NICU & PICU doctors, and senior & junior medical officers.