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[18-01-2025] We are very proud to inform that more than 25 students of Enam Medical College have got chance for post graduation course (FCPS) in January 2025. Congratulations to them sincerely.         


Dress Code & Personal Conduct of the students

01.  Students have to carry EMC ID Card all times during their on-campus stay and off-campus journeys for security.
02.  Male students are required to wear full sleeved, knee-long, white apron in classes, wards and in hospital proceedings. Fashionable, non-professional, shabby, eye-catchy, sparkling clothes, cosmetics, untidy (unduly-long) hair and slippers are strongly discouraged in the campus.
03.  Female students are advised to wear formal and gentle salwar, kamiz, hair-covering urna/scarf and shoes in accepted norms. Eye catching sparkling clothes, cosmetics, ornaments are discouraged.
04.  Male students are advised to wear shoes. They are also advised to wear formal and gentle full sleeved shirts, full pants, shoes (black or chocolate) in expected gentle manners.
05.  Abstinence from classes collectively will be considered as acts of indiscipline, which might be considered as punishable offence resulting guardian's undertaking, monetary penalty and even suspension, as decided by the academic & disciplinary committee.
06.  Misconduct with fellow, peer, staff, administration and teachers will be taken into serious offence and any of the above punishment can be applied singularly or conjoint, depending upon the severity, state or nature of the event.
07.  Political activism, raising slogans, conducting demonstration, making procession, pasting political or objectionable posters/banners will always be considered as act of indiscipline.
08.  Students are expected to maintain the highest standard in their academic and private lives. Loss of moral and spiritual values or addiction to alcohol, drug and any sort of abusing will be considered as severe offence. Cigarette smoking in the campus is fully prohibited. Drug abuse or carrying will be considered as break of law that might be proceeded under jurisdiction in addition to the institutional punishment.
09.  Mobile phone must kept switched off while in class or hospital duties. Students are also not allowed to take their friend(s) in the class, hospital or in campus, while they are in duty or in study.
10.  Any loss or damage of any college/hospital property is liable to be realized from the student who would be found responsible for the activity.

Hostel Management Policy (Boys' & Girls')

01.  Students have to stay in the seat allotted by the hostel authority. Without permission of the authority the seat can’t be changed.
02.  The students will meet their guests or parents in the guest room. Guests are not allowed to go to the student’s room.
03.  Students will use sound system, dextop, laptop and mobile phone with low volume.
04.  After 11.00 PM, light can’t be turned on without the permission of other room-mates causing their disturbance, but they can use table lamp if needed.
05.  One can’t cause any interruption to other’s study by any misconduct.
06.  One can’t use excess furniture other than the ones provided by the authority.
07.  The furniture of each room has to be kept in the respective place.
08.  One has to keep their own bed and furnitures clean and tidy on their own; otherwise, action will be taken as required.
09.  No employee of the hostel can be sent out for personal work.
10.  No one can leave the hostel after 11.00 PM and every boarder of the hostel has to enter into the hostel within the mentioned time. But in time of special need, with due permission of the concerned authority, one can go only after showing the identity card to the guard and by mentioning the arrival, departure and location time on the register book and by signing it.
11.  During the class hours one cannot reside in the hostel room.
12.  Before leaving the room lights and fans must be turned off.
13.  Garbage should not be disposed off here and there in the hostel. Students have to be aware of keeping the corridor, lift and stair case neat and clean.
14.  Students have to lock the room before leaving the hostel room & the authorities will not be liable if something is lost inside the room. So keep your things in your hands.
15.  In case of travelling to any distant places other than the college, hostel and the college campus and even at the time of going home, one must register it in the register book.
16.  The authority has to be informed one month before cancelling the hostel seat and all dues must be cleared. Before leaving the hostel the students should hand over the furniture of hostel to the hostel authority and take the certificate of no objection.
17.  New comers cannot be threatened or ragged.
18.  During any incidence in the hostel, at first the hostel superintendent, assistant hostel superintendent and hostel supervisor have to be informed.
19.  If any one disobeys the rules and regulations prescribed by the hostel authority, the seat will be cancelled anytime and necessary legal actions will be taken.
20.  If any student’s guardian come to meet them then it should written in registrer book & must be informed to Assistant Hostel Superintendent & Hostel Supervisor.