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[03-10-2024] এখন থেকে সকল ধরনের ব্যাংক ট্রানজেকশন, বিকাশ ও পস মেশিনে ডেবিট কার্ড ও ক্রেডিট কার্ড দিয়ে কলেজের ফি পরিশোধ করা যাবে।         

Department of Neuro-ICU

Our Neuro ICU is mainly for Modern intensive and high dependency care allows increasingly complex surgery to be performed. Sophisticated radiological techniques, such as coil embolization of cerebral aneurysms, are also supported by the work of the intensive care unit. We mainly care for patients who need medical, surgical or radiological treatment for a variety of conditions relating to the brain, spine or nervous system. We also care for other specialist patients from areas such as plastic surgery, ENT and trauma. Our Clinical Director and a team of consultant anaesthetists lead the medical team. Neurosurgeons, neurologists and specialist doctors visit the unit on a daily basis.

Dr. Abu Thahir Mohd. Shahidullah Monsur
Associate Professor & Head